
作者: 琳达·斯派斯89年毕业.Ed. '19

发表日期: 8/2/2020

类别: 校友 多样性、公平与包容 教职员工 学生


卡罗尔校长博士. Cindy Gnadinger started her teaching career at age 22 inside an elementary school in Memphis, 田纳西州. It was here that the city sent some of its poorest children to a place where they could see their breath on cold days because there was no heat. 她教书时,天花板的瓷砖掉了下来, 窗户上布满了弹孔, 在下雨天,学生们会被雨水淋湿, 在过去的十年里都不符合消防法规.

“My students had so many strikes against them before they ever stepped into school,”她说。. “They didn’t have near the opportunity for success and learning that students at other schools had. 它告诉我,并不是所有的孩子都能获得公平和公平的教育.”

在500名学生中, 教师, 以及孟菲斯格兰特小学的工作人员, 只有六个人是白人. 她是一个每天努力学习不同于自己的生活和文化的人. She learned about her students’ rich culture but in this particular school she also learned about the culture of poverty. She now reflects on those experiences to drive her work and initiatives with 教师 and 工作人员 at Carroll to strengthen the university’s diversity, 公平和包容(DEI). 对总统来说重要的是这项工作与卡罗尔的一致 尊重,诚信和管理的精神.

“我们美国有免费的公共教育. 然而,学生没有平等的受教育机会. 我亲身经历过. 这对我来说是一次大开眼界的经历. 你每天都在努力教书. 你没有足够的资源. Gnadinger说. “我们几乎一无所有. 我们的家人在他们的环境中日复一日地感到沮丧.”

当博士. Gnadinger于2017年7月成为威尼斯游戏大厅的第15任校长, 她最早的举措之一就是建立卡罗尔餐厅 机会奖学基金 to provide support for students from diverse backgrounds who are traditionally underrepresented in higher education, 包括第一代大学生. She carries the lessons she learned as a teacher in Memphis and recognizes that there are students in nearby Milwaukee living in the same struggling conditions, 作为她在孟菲斯的学生, 有可能阻碍他们接受高等教育的机会.

“我们的城市没有足够的学校,让很多孩子失望, 我们的学校资金不足,”她说。. “如果我们能做些什么来帮助他们, 那么我们就需要这样做来创造公平的竞争环境."


通过DEI创造公平的竞争环境只是卡罗尔策略的一部分. The end goal of these efforts is for all Carroll students to have a better appreciation of people different from themselves in myriad ways.

“我认为我们的最终目标是建立一个更像我们社会的校园社区, and then to have developed experiences over four years for our undergraduate students that depends on their understanding of people who are different than they are, 对于那些有不同想法的人来说, 他们的祈祷方式不同, 有不同的观点. 我们希望我们的学生重视和尊重这些差异. 我们还没到那一步. Gnadinger说. “所以,我们还有工作要做.”

Dr. Gnadinger’s commitment to DEI increased initiatives while energizing those already in place at Carroll. 多洛雷斯·奥坎波·布朗,1999年,硕士.Ed. ’10, former director of cultural diversity at Carroll for more than 11 years and now senior director of 校友 Engagement since 2012, 一直站在大学DEI努力的最前沿. 通过她在校友参与中的作用, Ocampo Brown in 2016 launched Cultural Diversity Discussions with alumni interested in enhancing and strengthening diversity on campus. The university’s goals in recruiting alumni to help support diversity initiatives include helping to recruit a more diverse pool of students; helping to retain underrepresented students at Carroll so they graduate; and engaging more alumni to help build a network and support the university with its diversity efforts.

Ocampo Brown said that Carroll is striving for a better representation of a more global and diverse campus community, 强调多样性不仅包括种族背景, 还有宗教, 社会经济, 性取向, 以及学生之间的其他差异,这些都应该作为卡罗尔教育的一部分来探索.

“世界变得更加全球化. 事实可以证明这一点. 这是有技术支持的. 我们可以很容易地在全球范围内联系. 我们的学生不可避免地会遇到不同的观点和不同的背景. We’re doing them a disservice if we do not prepare them to work with all people,” Ocampo Brown said.

Ocampo Brown said that Carroll is capable of building on a progression of change she has witnessed over the last 25 years. 在博士的支持下. Gnadinger, 大学的董事会, 以及教职员工的承诺, Carroll has slowly made improvements in different pockets in building a campus climate to support diversity over those years, 她补充说. 她说,现在是进行“更具挑战性、更具侵略性的变革”的时候了.

“We can have the most beautifully represented campus from a numbers standpoint but it’s also about the environment. 如果我们没有一个支持所有学生的环境, 所有教师, 工作人员, 无论背景如何, 那我们就不会成功. 我把它定义为交流, 开放的思想, 还有支持多样性的校园氛围,”她说。. “改变是具有挑战性的,这需要时间,但我认为现在是正确的时机.”

奥坎波·布朗和瓦妮莎·托普切夫斯基,M.S., 卡罗尔多元化办公室的副主任, 公平与包容, 机构包容工作小组的联合主席. Gnadinger成立于2019年11月. psamez博士强调了DEI计划的快速增长和扩大. Gnadinger’s leadership over the last two years since Pérez started at Carroll in October of 2018.

佩雷斯说,, “We’re looking at dismantling oppressive systems and structures that have been deeply embedded in the fabric of higher education. 这项工作正在进行中。. 作为代表. 约翰·刘易斯曾经说过, 我们的斗争不是一天的斗争, 一个星期, 或者一年,我们的奋斗是一生的奋斗, 甚至可能是好几辈子, 我们每一代人都必须尽自己的一份力量。”."


  • 创建特定的DEI目标 卡罗尔的战略计划,先锋驱动, 包括增强, elevating and increasing the accessibility of the CCE program so that all students are immersed in cultures different than their own; expanding pathways for access and success; creating a vibrant and engaged campus climate, culture and community; and educating and developing 所有教师 and 工作人员 to lead change in an ever-evolving, 复杂的世界.

  • 建立 the President’s Task Force on 机构包括 to study and address various areas of DEI, 包括为校园创建一个机构包容声明.

  • 向学生分发校园气候调查问卷, 教师, 和员工的DEI经验, 视角, 政策, 和实践. The results are intended to guide the actions of the task force and serve as a foundation for on-going DEI conversations.

  • 建立 多元化、公平和包容办公室, 前身是多元文化事务和全球参与办公室, 共设四个办事处和10名全职工作人员. 作为一个新部门, 重点是建立一个联合特派团, 愿景和目标, identifying areas of strength and challenges within the department and working with 工作人员 to gather data, 最佳实践研究, 还有学生, 工作人员, 以及教师反馈, 据佩雷斯说. 她指出,该办公室的作用是提供全面的学生支持和宣传, 领导努力培养一个热情和包容的校园社区, and to creating cross cultural experiences that foster meaningful interactions between individuals of diverse cultures, 社会身份, 观点和经验.

  • 过渡的 国家卫生职业机会计划(HCOP)学院 into DEI to complement existing academic programs and develop healthcare professionals skilled in holistic and culturally-sensitive care.

  • Launching the Inspire program through 招生 to support college access and retention for students in partner organizations who serve primarily first-generation and low-income students.

  • Dedicating campus space to encompass a DEI Student Lounge where students can connect and build community.

  • Re-establishing the university’s Black Student Union (BSU) group while also supporting other student groups to include LASO (Latin American 学生 Organization), 印度学生协会(ISA), 性与性别联盟(GSA).

  • 参与的学生, 教师, 以及卡罗尔第一次DEI峰会的工作人员, 举办为期一周的研讨会, 演讲者, 和讨论.

  • 为教职员工提供这本书 白色的脆弱性 by Robin DiAngelo and opened up book discussion groups that began last spring and are continuing into the fall with conversations.

随着学生们准备在2020年8月返回校园,开始2020- 21学年, DEI将继续努力,推出包括“反种族主义演讲系列”在内的新举措,这将是学习的延伸, 在DEI首脑会议期间进行培训和发展, 内置和外部扬声器, 还有学生 workshops focused on leadership and social justice through a “Lead the Change Series,与威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校合作, psamez说.

“我们感谢有意义的跨校园合作和支持,”psamrez说. “我们有教务处的人, 学生事务和, 校园里大部分地区都在说, “我想加入这项工作. 我想帮助培养和维持一个公平的生活、学习和工作环境. 我可能不知道所有问题的答案,但我想帮忙.’ This energy accompanied with action and resources has helped facilitate tangible progress and growth on campus."


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