
我可以用我的专业做什么? 我怎样写一份汇汇表? 我在哪里可以找到实习机会? Our career services team is here to help students prepare for the next step, 这是不是一份工作, 研究生院或服务. Our team is located on the main floor of the 图书馆, a convenient and student-friendly 环境. All appointments are one-on-one with either a professional staff member or trained peer assistant. 安排在 握手 今天! 


We provide numerous services to help you continue on in your Pioneer journey, whether you're ready to dive into a career or carry on to graduate schooling. Services marked with an asterisk (*) may be performed by career services staff or by specially trained students. 

  • 撰写简历和求职信*
    • Whether it’s applying for a scholarship, a volunteer opportunity, a job, graduate school, 等., everyone needs a standout cover letter and a polished and professional resume highlighting their qualifications and skills. We’re here to help build a resume from the ground up, 在现有的基础上改进, tailor information to a specific opportunity, 等.
  • 实习搜索*
    • Internships help students develop professional networks, skills and confidence. These experiences also provide opportunities to learn more about specific careers and industries—helping students identify what types of work they’ll find most satisfying and meaningful. Not all majors require an internship, but performing at least one internship during college is recommended. Carroll offers exclusive access to internship postings via 握手.
  • 求职*
    • What are the most effective searching techniques? Which job search engines are most helpful? How can I find salary information? We offer guidance and support whether students are ready to embark on their post-graduation search, or are looking for a way to earn extra cash during school. And it’s easy to find great opportunities via access to 握手.
  • Interviewing preparation and mock interviews
    • Preparation is the key to a successful interview. 学生学习最佳实践, how to answer questions and go over all the details necessary to get ready for the big day, in a safe and supportive 环境. Mock interviews can be in-person, over the phone or video chat.
  • 主要探索
    • Some students know exactly what career they plan to prepare for at Carroll. We offer guidance for students seeking a major that will best provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to reach their career goals. We also work with many students who are still exploring, helping them learn more about a variety of majors and how those might translate into careers. 查看我们的 本科学术页面 for career information related to specific majors.
  • 生涯探索
    • Because students may be unaware of all the opportunities associated with their major and which of those offers the best match for their skills and interests, we help them explore the possibilities. We also discuss topics such as workplace culture, 环境, differences between specific industries and more, to help them figure out the best fit. 查看我们的 本科学术页面 for career information related to specific majors.
  • 研究生/professional school exploration
    • We work with students considering graduate school to determine if it’s right for what they want to do. Services include providing information on research programs, graduate schools and career pathways with a graduate or professional degree.
  • 个人陈述写作
    • While this is most often associated with graduate school applications, it can be used in other scenarios as well. We help students brainstorm, explore and genuinely stand out in their personal statements.
  • LinkedIn *
    • We walk students through everything this important online tool has to offer, from the basics of creating a professional profile to navigating who to connect with, explore career pathways and find internship/job possibilities around the country.
  • 网络
    • This is the most common way to find a job, and we help students figure out how to do so effectively. That includes connecting with alumni, maximizing the network they already have and learning why a mentor is important. 学生 with a LinkedIn account can access more than 14,000 alumni. Carroll’s Career Connect offers another way to network with alumni through our in-house database.
  • 握手
    • Explore job and internship postings via this premier tool. Upload documents (such as resumes and cover letters) for an electronic review. Make your profile public to allow employers to search for you and reach out for opportunities.


Network with 180+ organizations at Wisconsin’s largest private college fair. 通常在春季举行, this fair connects employers and attendees with internships, 工作, graduate schools and service opportunities. 校友 are always welcome to attend!

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